About Asian Shipowners Association (ASA)

In 1992, FASA took a major step forward in affiliating itself with the Asian Shipowners’ Association (ASA).
The ASA consists of five Standing Committees as follows:
- Shipping Economics Review Committee (SERC);
- Seafarers Committee (SC);
- Safe Navigation and Environment Committee (SNEC);
- Ship Insurance and Liability Committee (SILC); and
Ship Recycling Committee (SRC).
FASA is Chairman of the SNEC. It also holds the Vice – Chairmanship of the SC and the SILC. FASA is an active member of the ASA. It works closely with all members of the ASA to ensure that Asian shipowners’ interests in international shipping are safeguarded.
For more information, please visit ASA official web site at : About Asian Shipowners Association